If I don't use a vpn, should I disable IPv6 to avoid my pc's mac address be guessed ?
While paying online, once I saw a bill that included my IPv6, should I be concerned at all?

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1 Answers1


No. You should enable privacy settings for IPv6, so that you use a pseudo generated IP, and not one based on the MAC of the computer. On Windows this appears to be the default, although I have never studied IP allocation on Windows in detail with IPv6.

IPv6 can indeed increase privacy through the use of ephemeral addresses that are short-lived.

As with all technology, you need to understand it and quantify the risks.

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  • The link says - You are being followed as the IPv6 addresses are unique, that's scary. By default, all os' must generate a pseudo IP. – lmao Jan 02 '19 at 12:38