How did a bug like the recent libssh vulnerability come to exist? Exactly what is the nature and root cause of the bug?

From libssh's website:

libssh versions 0.6 and above have an authentication bypass vulnerability in the server code. By presenting the server an SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS message in place of the SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_REQUEST message which the server would expect to initiate authentication, the attacker could successfully authentciate (sic) without any credentials.

To me, this just raises more questions to me: why would the server trust anything from the client? Why does SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS even exist at all? Is it part of the ssh protocol?

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The underlying issue that caused this bug and many bugs like it is a false assumption. namely that a certain message (SSH2_MSG_USERAUTH_SUCCESS) would only ever be sent by a server to a client...libssh failed to consider that a malicious client might send this message to a server. Based on this failed assumption the library had a single state machine (shared by client and server implementations) that clicks to on (as in connection accepted) when this message arrives. It is generally false assumptions that create security holes.

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    If that's the case, then I would attribute the failure to the client and server sharing a single state machine implementation. – jamesdlin Oct 17 '18 at 20:37
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    That's what I said but the question was what is the root cause of the bug (not just the nature of the bug) – DarkMatter Oct 17 '18 at 20:42
  • I mean that to me this seems backwards: I would consider the poor design decision of reusing the client state machine in the server to be the root cause, and that reuse caused what should have been a valid assumption to be false. – jamesdlin Oct 17 '18 at 21:12
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    @jamesdlin there is nothing inherently wrong with using a single state machine for the connection. However, code which updates or transitions state *must* validate inputs. – David Oct 17 '18 at 21:41
  • @David While there might not be anything inherently wrong with that design, it seems to me like a bad choice that invites trouble. The server shouldn't be executing code meant to be executed only by clients; the server requires a completely different level of trust. – jamesdlin Oct 17 '18 at 22:31
  • And that's actually the crux of my question, which is why a libssh server would even be *capable* of handling a message meant only for a client, and the answer to that is that the server and client share code. – jamesdlin Oct 17 '18 at 22:36
  • @jamesdlin The libssh library is just a library. It does not know if it is being used as a client or a server, so it must support both being a client _and_ a server. – forest Oct 18 '18 at 03:59
  • @forest That's a fair point, but while the same binary needs to support both (which IMO is also a questionable decision), the server and client code paths don't need to be the same, particularly for *authentication* which should be quite different. – jamesdlin Oct 18 '18 at 04:56