About several hours ago I started getting A LOT of spam e-mails, 6 per minute on average. I have no idea what went wrong. This is the e-mail address that I'm using for years and I was very careful in regards to where I used it. I know a lot about computers, software and stuff (started working as a programmer recently), and I'm saying this just to throw out recklessness from the equation. It's my main e-mail, not gmail or yahoo or some other, it's the e-mail that has been given to me from my internet provider ages ago, and it has been used for serious correspondence only.
Almost all e-mails are the same, I'll take a picture of one and post it to you guys (my e-mail address is crossed out on every place it had been stated). And it's stated there that I've been actually sending some meaningless e-mails from my address to random people and that they were undeliverable.
I have no experience in this and have no idea how this has happened. Can this somehow be fixed, or can anyone at least explain to me what is going on?