Does HTTPS encrypt metadata?
Not Necessarily what is on the page, or ads or anything like that, but it is possible for someone else to know metadata i.e what the tab is called or just the website name?
Does HTTPS encrypt metadata?
Not Necessarily what is on the page, or ads or anything like that, but it is possible for someone else to know metadata i.e what the tab is called or just the website name?
Does HTTPS encrypt metadata?
TLS will only encrypt the payload. Notably the following meta data are still available in clear:
The domain is transmitted in the clear, first by the client in SNI and then by the server in the certificate. The title of the browser tab is encrypted.
The IP address, the domain, and the time are all metadata available to anyone with access to your telco or your ISP. General Michael Hayden, director of the NSA, said "We kill people based on metadata".
In TLS 1.3, which is deployed today behind feature flag in beta browsers and might get finished the standardization process and be enabled by default in six months, will encrypt the domain name too. But that will still leave two IP addresses and the time.
The requested IP and domain (because of SNI) is visible, but the rest is encrypted.