So while I was working on my personal project something struk me.
When somebody creates an account on any web service/social media they provide their desired username and password,this is then processed by the server, the username is stored in a BD and the password is hashed and then stored, but that means that the password recieves the password in plain text and then applies a algorythm before storing.
Same thing happens when anybody logs-in right? Of course this can be sent over SSL/HTTPS but the server is still presented with the plaintext that represents the password, hashes it, and compares it to the stored hashed password.
Why isn't this process done client-side? It would be pretty simple for the client to hash his password within the browser using JS I'm sure there has to be some library dedicated to hashing with popular algorythms such as SHA-256.
Maybe I'm ignoring something really obvious or maybe I'm missunderstanding something, so I'm open to correction.