The Patreon data included passwords hashed using the industry best practice BCrypt algorithm (this data is available online through a search for "patreon data dump", although possession of it may be a criminal offence in some jurisdictions, so I'm not linking to it). This does not mean that they are impossible to break, but they are relatively slow to break. Therefore, you should still consider the password as potentially compromised.
Specifically, the table data available through sources such as this reveals that a table called "tblUsers" contained a field called "Password", and that another table called "tblUnverifiedUsers" did too. Given the scale of the dump, it would be irresponsible to assume that this data was not accessed. The CEO of Patreon also provided a later statement to Motherboard stating "We encrypt all tax form information with a 2048-bit RSA key. The key used to decrypt this information lives on a separate server and was not compromised. All user passwords are hashed using bcrypt with 8 or 12 passes, depending on when the user signed up."
The idea of hashing passwords is to provide that buffer for changing details in the event of a breach - any password can be broken, given sufficient time, no matter what algorithm is used. After all, there has to be a way to compare the input from the user to the data stored in the database - the worst case scenario for the attacker is that they try every possible input string through the same algorithm, with the same salt, until they get the same output. The best case for them is that they don't need to bother doing that.
Assuming you are practising good password usage, you are probably fine - you've presumably already changed your Patreon login, and it'll be different to every other site you have. There isn't anything you can do about any of the other data though.