Overall, I would recommend HMAC unless you have particular requirements for client certificates. The reasons are:
While it is true that there is no mandatory expiry with HMAC, in reality, you should expire any kind of password/secret/encryption key on a regular basis. This is enforced by certificates but you should do it as a matter of policy for any such key. I don't think this is a genuine pro for HMAC.
If you have some intermediary like a Web Application Firewall that needs to inspect requests, it can be complex to use client certificates. This is a con for client certificates and a pro for HMAC.
Is it really so complex to create an HMAC? There are client libraries to do this for Ruby, Java, .Net, Node and Python. I stopped googling there, but I'm sure most modern platforms have an existing library. This is probably a pro for certificates as you said, but a relatively minor one in my opinion.
HMAC is in use in some popular APIs from different market sectors (e.g. Twitter, AWS, Xero). I think client certificates are relatively uncommon outside of an enterprise setting. This is a pro for HMAC and a con for client certs. Disclaimer: This is subjective. I have no hard evidence for this - it's just based on what I've experienced in practice.