Ok, this is probably a really stupid idea, but I can't really see why it would be a bad idea. Maybe someone can enlighten me.
Why couldn't you enter a password good hashing algorithm like bcrypt, and then use the hash itself as your password for the website?
Because of the Avalanche Effect, this could allow users to use subtle derivations of their regular password to create competently different (and possibly better) passwords to use on actual websites.
For example, let's say a users password is "password123", and they want to log into a few different sites, so they append the sites name to the beginning of their password like so:
And so on.....
Normally, this would be very bad practice, as it would be trivial for an attacker to guess this user's naming system for passwords. But if the user ran his passwords through a hashing algorithim BEFORE logging into these websites, and then using the hash itself as the password, we have something that is very easy to remember and (possibly) more secure.
Is there any disadvantage I'm not seeing to this?