There are many password-related questions in here, but I failed to find the answer to mine. I'm no expert so maybe I don't have the right keywords. Sorry for any duplicate for a possibly asked 100 times question.
I'm just a regular user who wants to have good password. From what I understood, the best solution is to have a (good) password manager. The problem with password manager, is that, for the few I know, you can't access your account on a given website from someone else laptop (Unless, maybe, if you install the password manager app on that laptop and sync it with your account, which is still annoying).
Then, there is the tradeoff about basically, entropy of the password, the fact that you need to remember it, and the fact that you should not use twice the same password.
So I was wondering if there was any special added security by doing the following:
- take an easy password : eg :
- go to website
- apply to it a simple function that transform
to say,1634d6f7c5148738bfac403c2a59fdf1
- use that as a password to sign in on
The advantage compare to a password manager is that I can generate my password from any laptop if I remember both the password and the function. Here the password is a md5 hash and md5 which is implemented on many machines, so nothing to remember but foo.
My questions are:
- Is there any password manager that satisfy the need to log on from another computer (which is not yours)
- Otherwise, is that scheme providing a good compromise in this multiple trade-off situation, or is just as bad as re-using the same password whatever the entropy of it.
- [NEW!] How easy is it to crack a function, be it simple, not even knowing if a function is used ? Say, I'm a target, how can one crack my password or my function ?
- Finally, I've seen that some of you were using the concept of low-tech
file [edit] as a mean to manage password [\edit]. What does it mean ? Is it just a plain text file with all your password ? How safe is this ?
Also, note that I don't have any smartphone, and that I'm aware that it won't be better than a password manager and that security comes at the expense usability. I'm wondering whether doing this would add a significant layer of security, compare to having different very strong password that you remember (putting aside password manager).