Traditionally, tea parties have served as a way to bring old friends together or entertain new guests in a delightful, elegant setting. Today, they are more informal social gatherings and make great events for the early spring and summer seasons. If you’re getting ready to throw your first tea party, make sure to invite your guests early, do as much cooking and decorating decorating as you can in advance and play the role of gracious host to make sure everyone is enjoying themselves.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Planning a Tea Party

  1. 1
    Pick out a date for your tea party. Choose a date and time for your tea party, ideally a week or two in advance so that those invited will have time to work the event into their schedules. Weekend afternoons are great for tea parties, as most people are off from work and looking for leisurely activities. A tea party in the afternoon will also serve nicely as midday refreshment.
    • Schedule the event around holidays and big events so that more of the invited guests will be free to attend.
  2. 2
    Send out invitations. Make a list of people you want to invite and address a special invitation to each one individually. Get creative with your invitations: rather than simply sending a plain card with the time and date, cut colorful cardstock into the shape of teapots, or mail the invitations in floral envelopes with fragrant tea bags inside.
    • A single invitation will suffice if you’re inviting multiple people from the same household.
    • Specify on the invitation if any refreshments aside from tea are to be served. You want your guests to bring an appetite!
    • You can also send virtual invitations, but make sure to use tea-themed templates to keep in the spirit of the party.
  3. 3
    Set up a pleasant venue. If you’re hosting the tea party at your own home, set aside a space to be the designated seating area. An outdoor garden will do wonderfully for this purpose if it’s roomy enough, or you could set a table on your patio or just inside in your kitchen.[1]
    • Assuming the weather is hospitable enough, consider having a picnic style tea party out on the lawn.
    • If you’re holding a tea party indoors, make sure the blinds are open and the windows are up to let in the afternoon sunshine.
  4. 4
    Decide what refreshments to serve. In addition to tea, you might wish to serve food to your guests. These should be simple choices that aren’t too filling, like cookies and other sweet confections that complement the tea, or small finger sandwiches to stave off your guests’ hunger. Put together a rough draft of your menu and start thinking about how best to start preparing food and beverages before the event.[2] [3]
    • Some good lighter fare to serve with tea could include:
      • Tea cookies or crackers
      • Biscuits with butter and jam
      • Baked brie with fruit
      • Popovers
      • Chicken salad with sliced bread
      • Small cakes or petit fours
      • Crustless sandwiches with cucumber, salmon, spreads and other light ingredients
    • If you're serving lunch or a brunch, focus on lighter options to go with the tea.
Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Getting Everything Ready

  1. 1
    Decorate the sitting area. Once you’ve settled on an area to use for your tea party, begin decorating to make the space more festive. You can hang streamers, put out flowers and other greenery or break out the fine china that you’ve been saving for a special occasion. Fixing up the venue where your tea party is to be held can really liven things up and make sure that your guests feel comfortable and at ease.[4]
    • Decide on a loose theme for your tea party and stick to it. It doesn’t have to be complicated—a design scheme as basic as stripes, chevron or floral patterns, or light pastel colors in the hotter months, will help keep your decor attractive and consistent. Make sure to make the party tea-themed so it doesn't look like a regular party that also happens to serve tea.
    • Make a checklist of everything you think you’ll need so that you don’t forget anything important: place mats, linens, silver, tea cups, saucers, drinking glasses, plates, centerpiece decorations, candles, etc.[5] If you don't have all that in your place, there's always the option of renting it. There are even some companies specialized in catering for tea parties, with everything included.
  2. 2
    Set the table. The dining table should be set prior to the arrival of your guests. Make the table presentable by first draping it in a table cloth—white or another light shade will work best for afternoon tea. Each place setting should consist of a plate for the foods you've prepared, a cup and saucer for tea in the upper right corner of each setting, linens and silverware to the left of the lunch plate, and all condiments, serving platters and other fixtures ranging the table above the place settings. You'll bring the tea and coffee in on a tray once it's time for it to be served, so save the center of the table for this purpose.
    • Use dishes sized for smaller portions (such as bread or salad plates) at each place settings, as afternoon tea should be light refreshment rather than a full meal.[6]
    • Avoid setting the table with scented candles or bringing in additional scents, with the exception of fresh flowers. The fragrance at the dining table should come from the food and tea.
  3. 3
    Prepare foods that can be refrigerated early. Dishes like cheese platters or chicken salad can be made ahead of time and refrigerated until time for the event. This will save you the trouble of trying to keep too many steps coordinated once it’s time for guests to start showing up. A day or two before the party, get basic items ready and keep them on ice.[7]
    • Sandwich and fruit trays, pasta salad and other light fare can be bought or whipped up quickly and chilled until they’re ready to be served.
  4. 4
    Fix other refreshments the morning of the event. If any of the refreshments you’re planning need to be fresh (if you intend to do any baking, for instance), make sure that you time their preparation so that they’re finished by the morning of the tea party. With the basic food items out of the way, you can concentrate on any time-consuming tasks like baking, marinating, slicing or searing that need to be taken care of. The last thing you want is for your doorbell to ring while you still have two dozen muffins in the oven.
    • Don’t overdo it. While it can be fun to come up with wild ideas for what you’d like to serve at a tea party, a simple menu is always best. Formulate your foods around the tea and keep it simple.
  5. 5
    Offer a selection of teas to choose from. Take a sampling approach to serving the tea, and give your company a wide variety of teas to try. Stock up on loose leaf tea, as it's the freshest and most flavorful. Have the tea brewed, strained and heated in the kitchen to bring out once everyone is present and seated. You might also provide guests with separate infusers and have hot water ready so that they may each have their individual preference. Guests may be served tea in turn, or the components can be brought out and placed in the center of the table along with the food so that they have the opportunity to serve themselves at their leisure.[8] [9]
    • Pair your teas with the food to enhance their enjoyment. For instance, foods like biscuits and cheeses with more uniform flavors will pair well with light and zesty teas, while rich, savory appetizers can be offset by complex blended teas.
    • For guests who would prefer a different type of beverage, you might also serve coffee, hot chocolate, fruit punches, iced tea or even wine or champagne for celebratory occasions.[10]
  6. 6
    Have everything ready when your guests start arriving. When your guests show up, everything should be ready and waiting for them in the seating area. This way, they only have to sit down and join in the revelry, rather than standing around waiting for the table to be set or tea to be brewed. Get all major decorating and cooking done the night before, and finish setting up first thing in the morning. Aim to have everything in place and ready to serve before the first knock on your door.[11]
    • Make sure you have an accurate estimate of how many guests to expect so that there is a place for everyone at the table.
    • Have the water heated for tea, but wait until all guests have been seated to begin serving it. Don’t forget condiments like milk, sugar and honey![12]
Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Receiving and Serving Your Guests

  1. 1
    Greet each guest personally at the door. As your guests begin to arrive, be ready to meet them at the door and invite them in. Show them to the area you’ve set up for the tea party and introduce them to other guests with whom they are not yet acquainted. Encourage them to begin sampling the refreshments while the rest of the party trickles in. As the host, yours should be the first face that the guests see when the door opens.[13]
    • Be courteous and thank your guests for coming. Electing to spend their free time attending your party shows that they value your friendship.
    • Offer to take coats, purses and umbrellas and have a place set aside to keep them.[14]
  2. 2
    Present the venue and refreshments to your guests. If you have guests at your party that have never been in your home, give them a brief tour, ending where tea and refreshments are to be served. Point out each item on the table and explain how the refreshments you’re serving were made and what they contain. Your guests will be impressed by the level of detail and organization that you’ve put into throwing your tea party.
    • Answer any questions your guests have and accept compliments modestly. You probably stand to receive quite a bit of adulation for all the work you’ve done!
  3. 3
    Get your guests anything they need. While your company is taking their tea, make yourself available to accommodate any requests that they may have. Refill water glasses and tea cups, offer seconds and clear dirty dishes off the table. Try to make it so that no guest has to lift a finger to serve themselves or help clean up. Part of being a good host is seeing to the needs of the invited in every possible capacity.[15] [16]
    • Though you’ll undoubtedly be kept busy, make sure you have time to eat and entertain your company yourself.
  4. 4
    See guests off as they leave. As the gathering draws to a close and guests begin to tire, show them to the door yourself. Thank them again for coming and invite them to return for another tea party or luncheon soon. Send them off with a parting gift or leftovers, if applicable. A successful gathering will strengthen the social bond between you and your guests and leave them feeling invigorated.
    • Prepare small gift baskets containing candles, confections or samples of tea that each guest can take with them when they leave.
    • If you really want to go the extra mile, mail out thank you cards for everyone who showed up for your tea party.[17]

Community Q&A

  • Question
    How many guests are invited?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    The guest number varies depending on how large you want your tea party to be, so it's up to you!
  • Question
    Should I make the food myself?
    Community Answer
    Community Answer
    Yes, if you are capable of making it by yourself you should.
  • Question
    Where can I throw a tea party that's not in my home?
    Demi Lavapies
    Demi Lavapies
    Community Answer
    You could throw a tea party at a park, beach, friend's home or forest. You could also rent out an event place to locate your tea party.


  • Test out all your recipes before you present them to your guests.
  • Make sure you have enough space to comfortably accommodate the guests you invite. You don't want things to become too overcrowded.
  • When planning a party, always start with a budget, but give yourself some room to go a bit over it.

About this article

Anna Braff
Co-authored by:
Event Decor Specialist
This article was co-authored by Anna Braff. Anna Braff is an Event Decor Specialist and Founder & Designer at Provenance Rentals. With over five years of experience, she specializes in providing clients with a range of modern, bespoke, blended, and design-forward furniture and props tailored to their event needs. Provenance Rentals' award-winning work has been published in numerous prestigious magazines such as Vogue, InStyle, People, and Mingle. Anna is a former attorney and earned her Bachelor's Degree from New York University. This article has been viewed 28,760 times.
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Co-authors: 16
Updated: October 28, 2022
Views: 28,760