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1500 questions
6 answers

Is it dangerous to compile arbitrary C?

I have a small server and I would like to check compile times on C programs provided by users. The programs would never be run only compiled. What risks are there to allowing users to compile arbitrary C using gcc 5.4.0?
15 answers

Are cloud storage services a good strategy to protect against ransomware attacks?

I have been reading a lot here about Ransomware attacks and I am wondering if my strategy for protecting myself is valid or not. I have 10Gb of personal data and 90Gb of photos and videos. I have them in D:\ drive in two separate folders. Personal…
Oscar Foley
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1 answer

How does end to end encryption work with whatsapp web?

Since today I have noticed whatsapp is using end to end encryption. However is also still working. Does whatsapp establish a connection with my phone to keep things secure?
Mehdi Nellen
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5 answers

Found suspicious, obfuscated PHP file. Is this a hack attempt on my website?

I just noticed that the top line of my index.php file got changed to what's below.
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4 answers

How can you be tracked using screen resolution/monitor size in Tor?

Whenever I maximize the Tor browser, it shows a warning: Maximizing Tor Browser can allow websites to determine you monitor size, which can be used to track you... How can screen resolution or monitor size be used to track a person?
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9 answers

Is password reuse a problem if the password is very strong?

I always read that using the same password on multiple sites is a risk. I'm wondering what is the real reason for this? In my case, I use the same password on multiple sites everywhere. My password is, however, very strong and complicated and long…
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17 answers

Why do law-abiding citizens need strong security?

The layman's counter-argument I run in to for any complaint about inadequate security seems to always take the form: You don't need security if you aren't doing something illegal. This kind of response is frustrating to say the least. In part…
Ian C.
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2 answers

What's the difference between X.509 and PKCS#7 Certificate?

Am I correct calling file with .p7b file extension saved as 'Cryptographic Message Syntax Standard - PKCS#7 Certificates (.P7B)' in Windows - a 'PKCS#7 certificate'? Or is it better called 'X.509 certificate saved in PKCS#7 format'? When would one…
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6 answers

Differences between using Tor browser and VPN

I can't quite figure out the differences between using the Tor browser and using a VPN (like concretely proXPN). From what I understand the idea is the same, that they both hide the IP address. The only difference that I can see is that Tor seems…
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10 answers

Can I scratch off the magnetic strip off a debit card to only allow chip and PIN?

I have been robbed in the past by thieves using my HSBC Debit Card (issued by UAE branch) to purchase mobile phones and accessories by signing for the purchases. While the card has chip & PIN protection, HSBC mention (in the fine print) that,…
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2 answers

Pre-hash password before applying bcrypt to avoid restricting password length

Good practice is not to unnecessarily restrict password length, so that appropriately-long passphrases (perhaps 35-45 chars for 6/7 dicewords) can be used. (See e.g. Should I have a maximum password length? where a maximum of 1K is suggested, to…
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12 answers

Can I prevent my neighbors, whom I pay for shared internet (WiFi), from seeing the sites I've visited?

I pay my neighbors to use their WiFi. They have listed me as Guest with a separate password from theirs. Is there any way to prevent them from seeing the sites I've visited? My browser history clears automatically. Since they're in charge of the…
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6 answers

Do actual penetration testers actually use tools like metasploit?

I've played around with metasploit simply as a hobby but am wondering if actual pentesters and/or hackers actually use metasploit to get into systems or do they write their own post exploitation modules or their own programs entirely? Reason I ask…
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3 answers

Is it enough to only wipe a flash drive once?

According to the documentation for the "diskscrb" command for wiping conventional hard drives: "Conforms to and exceeds the Government Standard set forth in DoD 5220.22-M. Can overwrite ambient data areas…
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3 answers

How to estimate the time needed to crack RSA encryption?

How to estimate the time needed to crack RSA encryption? I mean the time needed to crack Rsa encryption with key length of 1024, 2048, 3072, 4096, 5120, 6144, 5120, 7168, 8192, 9216, 10240, 11264, 12288, 13312, 14336, 15360, and 16384?
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