Current setup
We have a service that allows users to upload documents through a website and stores the uploaded documents encrypted on disk.
The documents on disk are encrypted with a per-user key, which is randomly generated upon account creation. This document key is stored in a database field which is encrypted with the user's password as the key. When the user (owner) want to download a document, they need to provide their password, which is used to decrypt the document key which is in turn used to decrypt the document.
We have chosen this pattern to negate the need to re-encrypt all encrypted documents when the user chooses to change their password: we only need to re-encrypt the document key.
This setup work fine (and we think it is a secure pattern1).
Required changes
Unfortunately, we have two new requirements to implement.
- By law, we are required to be able to decrypt any documents we have on disk, upon request by the government;
- Someone has decided that the owner of a document should be able to share the uploaded document with other users.
I don't know how to implement those requirements while keeping the documents stored with per-user encryption.
So, my question is:
Is there a known pattern that allows for encrypting documents so that they can be decrypted by one or more parties, where the parties in question are to be determined upon document encryption?
Some background information on the law mentioned above:
In fact, the law does not state that we are required to build in a back door. The law makes it a criminal offence to not hand over the key to any encrypted data you have2 if the police requests the key3. A result of this is that we who host the data need to have a back door, or face prosecution in case we cannot decrypt the data when requested. However, other than in some other countries, we are free to communicate the fact that we received an order to decrypt documents. These laws are unfortunately not uncommon.
Informing our customers and the public:
As I indicated in a comment before, I fully intend to pull my weight to makes sure this policy is clearly communicated to our customers. Privacy statements need be changed and TOS need to be updated.
Public awareness on the one hand and making sure 'bad laws cost money' on the other, are the best method I have available to protest against such laws.
However, at the same time I'm kinda sceptical about the impact of such statement. Most people simply don't care. At the same time, many people use their email and inbox to store and share documents. So from that perspective our service is (still) a huge improvement (and it is the reason some of our customers require their employees to use it).
1. If there is a glaring hole in this method, feel free to comment on it.
2. Lawyers have figured that 'data you have' is meant to include all data stored on physical devices you own (I'm not a lawyer, so this my lay-persons translation of what they concluded).
3. Yes, not some fancy security office, but police. There are some safeguards in when they can request password, but that doesn't change the implications of this law. The big question is what happens when you truly forgot the password to some data. The minister has indicated that it is the responsibility of the owner of such encrypted data to then delete it. But no such case has yet (as to my knowledge) been tried in court.